Stocks / Intel Corporation

Stocks Intel Corporation - [INTC]


Intel Corporation (INTC) is an American multinational corporation specializing in the manufacture of microprocessors, computer components and other devices. The company is headquartered in Santa Clara, California.


How to buy Intel shares

In order to buy Intel shares, you need to contact a company that provides brokerage services to Ukrainians, such as the Ukrainian non-broker Fondexx. If you decide to invest in shares of Intel or any other company, the first step is to open a brokerage account, which will allow you to buy shares through a special trading platform and follow your results in real time.


History of the establishment

The company was founded in 1968 by Gordon Moore, Robert Noyce and Arthur Rock, and the first two are rightfully considered pioneers of the semiconductor industry. In general, the creation of the Intel company is considered one of the key events for the formation of Silicon Valley as a world-renowned technology center.

In the early years of the company's formation, special emphasis was placed on the development of more technological and innovative solutions, which provided Intel with a good reputation and trust in the market. In the future, the company's successful cooperation with well-known techno giants such as Apple and IBM made it possible to consolidate its positions.

Back in the 90s, Intel was distinguished by a rather aggressive strategy of maintaining its leading position in the market, because at that time Intel's competitor - AMD - began to develop particularly actively. The companies are still direct competitors and actively compete for the consumer's choice and attention.


Rapid development of Intel

Intel's IPO took place in September 1971 at a price of about $23 per share. In general, Intel shares, like most technology companies, are characterized by the dependence of the share price on the launch of new products. Rapid growth in the value of shares occurred in 1971, 1978 and 1980s, immediately after the release of new high-tech solutions. A particularly interesting example was the Pentium processor, which the company introduced in 1993. The novelty was such an important technological breakthrough that over the next two years Intel shares almost doubled.


An interesting fact about the company

In addition to significant investments in research and development of its own products, Intel's management pays special attention to the marketing component of the business, sponsoring large-scale advertising campaigns before the launch of its new products and cementing the brand in public consciousness. For example, the world-famous slogan "Intel Inside" was an important tool for popularizing the company.

It is also worth mentioning that Intel microprocessors were used in various space missions and devices, for example, in the Hubble telescope.


Investment in Intel

Since Intel is one of the largest manufacturers of microprocessors in the world, interest in the company among investors remains consistently high. It is also worth noting that a special surge of interest in the field of microprocessors took place after a wide resonance around the cryptocurrency industry and its mining - the stable development of the industry supports the growth of related technology industries.

The company also follows the trends of the global technology industry, developing such areas as artificial intelligence, autopilots for cars and other innovations.

We will remind you once again that trading and investments, although they are interesting and highly intellectual pursuits, require preparation and a consistent strategic approach.

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